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Inherited Traits- Athletic Performance- Test Summary


Harness the power of your genetics!

Learn how through a simple genetic test. 

Simple, painless, no office visit necessary.   Test only needs to be performed once.


All people have genetic variations that make them unique.  Some of these affect athletic ability.  By knowing which genetic variants you have, you can choose sports, field positions within a sport and/or events where your genetics give you an advangage.  Most important, you can now customize your training to take advangtage of your personal genetics and gain a competitive edge!

What tests are available?

Extensive scientifiic research has characterized how variations in two genes affect athletic performance.  Genomic Express has developed and validated genetic tests for these variants which are described below:  

Muscle Fiber Composition:  ACTN3 Genotype    

The ACTN3 gene encodes a protein present in fast-twitch muscle fibers.  These muscle fibers generate force at high velocity, but only function for short periods of time.  Fast twitch muscle fibers are involved in athletic power activities.  These include short periods of strength bursts such as those involved in sprints (all sports), jumping, throwing hard, hitting hard, weightlifting and other athletic power activities.

Nearly 40% of the population has a mutation in this gene, and do not produce the protein.  The fast twitch muscle fibers of these individuals do not produce as much power.  The decreased power in fast twitch muscle fibers of these individuals, however, is counterbalanced by the fact that they have improved endurance capability.

By taking this test, you will learn whether your muscle fibers give you an advantage in either power or endurance.  Use this information to improve and optimize your athletic performance!  

Endurance level- ACE Genotype                             

The ACE gene encodes the angiotensin I converting enzyme, a key regulator of cardiovascular function. There are two different versions of this gene (I and D), each of which is common in the general population. Individuals with one or two copies of the I form of the ACE gene have improved endurance capabilities.

By taking this test, you will learn how your ACE genotype contributes to your performance in endurance activities.  You can use this information to improve and optimize your athletic performance. 

Athletic panel:  ACTN3 plus ACE combination genotype 

Purchase both tests and receive 30% discount.   



  These simple and painless tests only need to be performed once, and you will have the information necessary to optimize your athletic performance based on your genetics.  

Power or Endurance Athlete?  ACTN3 Genotype $99     but_buythisproduct.gif

Endurance level.  ACE Genotype  $99                             but_buythisproduct.gif 

Athletic panel:  ACTN3 plus ACE genotypes  $139          

Additional Information:

            This genetic test is provided by Genomic Express, Inc. for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any diseases or disorders. Clients should consult with their own physician or other qualified health care provider for any medical or health needs.  

Inherited Traits - Athletic Performance - ACTN3 - Information

Information this test provides.      but_buythisproduct.gif    

Would you like to know whether your genetics give you an advantage in either power or endurance sports?

Muscle fiber composition:  Fast twitch, Slow twitch

The ACTN3 gene encodes the alpha-actinin-3 protein which is present in fast-twitch muscle fibers. These types of skeletal muscle are responsible for generating force at high velocity. There is a variant form of the ACTN3 gene which has a single base substitution in the DNA and is referred to as R577X. Individuals lacking the variant gene have the R/R genotype whereas those possessing the mutation can have either one (R/X genotype) or two (X/X genotype) copies of the variant gene. This variant form of the ACTN3 gene is very common in the general population. Approximately  20%-30% of the population (over 1 billion people worldwide) have two mutant genes (X/X genotype), and there is not any obvious effect on individuals who have either one or two copies of the variant gene.

Although having one or two variant forms of the ACTN3 gene does not have any harmful effect, an individual's ACTN3 genotype does affect their athletic ability. These correlations have been derived from genetic studies of elite athletes. The ACTN3 genotype has been analyzed in athletes that have risen to very high levels in competitive sports that require predominantly either power or endurance.  These studies have demonstrated that there are genetic contributions to power and endurance ability.

An individual's ACTN3 genotype determines the composition of their fast twitch muscle fibers. The ACTN3 X gene does not produce the alpha-actinin-3 protein. Therefore, an individual's ACTN3 genotype (R/R, R/X or X/X) affects the amount of alpha-actinin-3 protein present in their fast twitch muscle fibers. It is now well established that the ACTN3 genotype of an individual has affects their athletic performance.  This research has demonstrated the following association between an individual's ACTN3 genotype and athletic performance:

R/R genotype:  power advantage

X/X genotype:  endurance advantage

R/X genotype :  contributes to both power and endurance

By knowing your ACTN3 genotype, you can modify your  training regime to optimize your athletic performance.  You can also choose to focus on sports or events where your personal genetics give you an advantage.

When you undergo genetic testing with Genomic Express, we will determine which versions of the ACTN3 gene you have and, therefore, your fast twitch muscle fiber composition. This comprehensive report gives you both your ACTN3 genotype and an explanation of how it affects your athletic performance. It summarizes the scientific research, including references to the original articles, that have established these correlations. Your report also explains how your ACTN3 genotype affects your performance in a variety of different sports. This information will allow you to optimize your athletic training based on your muscle fiber composition. It is also valuable for choosing the sport, or position/event within a sport, where you have the greatest opportunity to excel.


Let Genomic Express help you learn more about your own genetics in order to develop an optimal approach to sports and athletic training.

Additional information:


Yang, N., et al. (2003) ACTN3 Genotype is Associated with Human Elite Athletic Performance. American Journal of Human Genetics 73, 627-631.

MacArthur , D.G. and North, K.N. (2007) ACTN3: A Genetic Influence on Muscle Function and Athletic Performance. Exercise Sport Science Reviews 35 (1), 30-34.

Yang, N., et al. (2009)  alpha-Actinin 3 and Performance. Med. Sport Sci.54, 88-101.

            This genetic test is provided by Genomic Express, Inc. for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any diseases or disorders. Clients should consult with their own physician or other qualified health care provider for any medical or health needs. Genomic Express, Inc. shall not be held liable for any damages incurred as a result of the use of this information or caused by products described herein. 

Inherited Traits - Athletic Performance - ACE Information

Information this test provides.         

There are two common versions of the ACE gene that differ by the presence (insertion; I) or absence (deletion; D) of a 287 base pair DNA element.  This insertion is in a non-coding portion (intron) of the gene, and thus does not affect the protein structure.  However, levels of expression are different, with the D allele producing more ACE protein which results in higher levels of angiotensin II and increased vasoconstriction.  The I and D alleles of the ACE gene are approximately equally represented in the general population, indicating that there are not harmful effects of either variant.  There are three possible ACE genotypes, I/I, I/D and D/D.  A number of scientific studies have shown that individuals with one or two copies of the I allele have improved athletic endurance ability.  

 When you undergo genetic testing with Genomic Express, we will determine and report your ACE genotype.  Your comprehensive report will include an explanation of how your ACE genotype affects athletic ability and performance.  This information is useful for choosing a sport, or field position within a sport, where you are more likely to excel,.  Importantly, this knowledge can allow you to design optimal training programs. 

Let Genomic Express help you learn more about your own genetics for choosing an optimal approach to sports and athletic training.


Additional Information:

Inherited Traits-Athletic Performance-ACE Considerations

Considerations based on your test result.             

When you undergo genetic testing with Genomic Express, we will determine and report your ACE genotype.  Your comprehensive report will include an explanation of how your ACE genotype affects athletic ability and performance.  Specifically, you will learn whether about you have a genetic advantage in endurance events.  The scientific basis, including literature references, for these effects will be clearly explained in your comprehensive test report.

Your genetic information is useful for choosing sports, or events within sports, where you have an advantage.  This information can also be usedl for designing optimal individual training programs.


Let Genomic Express help you learn more about your own genetics in order to choose an optimal approach to sports and athletic training. 

Additional Information:

Inherited Traits - Athletic Performance

Physical conditioning and athletic performance are largely influenced by one's own training, coaching and diet/nutrition practices. However, there are specific genetic variations that contribute as well. Our understanding of the influence of genetics on athletic ability and performance was initially noted in genetic studies of elite athletes, and has been confirmed in larger studies of athletes that excel in certain types of sports and events. Knowledge of an individual's genetic variants that are relevant to athletic ability may allow choosing sports (or field positions within a sport) in which the individual is more likely to excel.  Importantly, this genetic information may facilitate design of optimal training regimes.

       Learn More:  Summary of available tests

Below are described genetic tests currently offered by Genomic Express. Additional tests will be offered in the future. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about these developments at Genomic Express

 Power or Endurance Athlete?  ACTN3 Genotype   Power or Endurance Athlete

Would you like to know whether you have a genetic advantage in either athletic power or endurance events?  These two types of activities utilize muscles differently, and genetic testing can tell you where you have an advantage.  This knowledge will help you focus on sports, events and/or field postions where you have a genetic advantage and therefore may excel.  Importantly, this knowledge can enable you to optimize your training program and athletic performance based on your natural ability.

The major protein components of skeletal muscle (the type of muscle associated with voluntary movement) are actin and myosin. There are also minor proteins, termed actinins, that bind to actin. The ACTN3 gene encodes one of these actinins, and there is a variation that is very common in the general population. There are no known adverse effects of the mutant form of ACTN3, even in individuals who are homozygous (both genes variant). However, genetic studies in elite athletes have demonstrated that certain ACTN3 genotypes are associated with either superior power or superior endurance ability. 

By knowing your ACTN3 genotype, you can optimize your approach to athletic training and sports based on your natural advantage.  You will know whether your muscle fiber composition gives you an advantage in power or endurance.  Let Genomic Express help you learn more about your own genetics in order to choose an optimal approach to sports and athletic training.  Additional Information:

Endurance level- ACE Genotype                      Endurance level

Variations in another gene have also been associated with athletic performance. The ACE gene encodes the angiotensin I converting enzyme, a key regulator of cardiovascular function. There are two different versions of this gene, each of which is common in the general population. Like the ACTN3 gene (above), certain genotypes at the ACE locus appear to be associated with superior ability in certain types of athletic performance.  Individuals with the ACE I version of the gene have better endurance.  Recent research has clarified the physiological mechanisms underlying these genetic effects .  Based on these scientific studies, Genomic Express has developed and validated the ACE genetic test for athletic performance.

 By testing with Genomic Express, you can learn the genotype of your ACE locus. Your comprehensive test result and report will include a thorough review of how your genotype affects athletic performance.  This information will allow you to implement an optimal approach to sports and athletic training.  Additional Information:

Athletic panel:  ACTN3 plus ACE genotype.  30% discount

Purchase both tests and receive a 30% discount.     ACTN3 plus ACE combination genotype

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